Rupert Soskin and pre-history in occitania

Rupert Soskin is an independent writer, presenter and photographer with particular interests in natural history and archaeology. He is widely known for the much acclaimed film Standing With Stones and accompanying book of the same name, exploring the megalithic sites of Britain and Ireland.

I can organise a day out for you or your group with Rupert to one of several of his favourite archaeological and natural history sites in the Aude and nearby.

His latest book, Metamorphosis, astonishing insect transformations, published by Bloomsbury, was a three-year mission to record the little known aspects of the life cycles of insects. Published in September 2015, Metamorphosis has been lauded as a stunning achievement in nature photography.

He continues to research both disciplines, regarding them as completely symbiotic. He has been known to observe, “You can’t visit megaliths without walking past a thousand different organisms along the way”. Rupert is currently researching and writing for new projects in each discipline, one on the evidence for a global megalithic culture in prehistory, the other on intelligence and consciousness in the natural world.

Dolmens of the Minervois
A well kept secret

Rupert is available for Natural History and Archaeology by reservation in 2019

Make your visit to the Aude an unforgettable memory.